Bolt 18F2550 serial port interface applications:
Description: The Bolt 18F2550 system has a serial DB9 port with full RS232 interface, allowing it to communicate with other devices or with a PC. Practical applications for the RS232 interface can be a serial cable remote control, a bluetooth interface, RFID systems, radio modem remote control, GSM modems, access control and security systems.
1. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is the name given to a new technology that uses radio links in the 2.4 GHz band (2400-2480 GHz), low transmit power and ranges from about 1 to 100 meters, depending on the power output. Its main objective is to replace the interconnecting cables between electronic devices or portable media either point to point or multipoint networks as well. Its key features are robustness, flexibility, low power and low cost. Photo on the left shows a Bluetooth interface for Bolt 18F2550 system. Any device or computer nearby (within 10 meters), with a Bluetooth circuit, may communicate with Bolt card using this radio link. 5 volt power supply for the Bluetooth module is fed via pin 7 of DB9 connector. |
2. RFID: Another application for the serial port is an RFID interface. In photo, a RFID module is connected to Bolt system through the DB9 connector. Power supply for the RFID module is fed via pin 7 of DB9. Please see electronic diagram of Bolt 18F2550. Programming in C18 an application for RFID is easy as all information is sent in ASCII format, and handled with strings. Bolt 128F2550 may be powered either through the USB connector, or an external wall transformer. Please see |
3. GSM modem: In this project, the Bolt 18f2550 system connected to a GSM Modem Wavecom M1306B through the serial port, may be remotely controlled via a mobile phone. User may send commands as SMS messages to the Bolt-GSM Modem system, to activate or deactivate a relay, and is also capable of detecting automatically a door open/closed alarm or remotely reading the temperature of sensor DS18B20. |
4. Serial Cable: We provide a test program that allows communication and remote control between a PC and the electronic Bolt module, using a serial cable, or USB-Serial interface at 9600 bps. Testing may be done using a Laptop computer and an external wall transformer to power Bolt 18F2550 system, as shown in the photo (jumper JP1 must be placed in external power supply mode). Use a terminal emulator software (as Hyperterminal) to do your testing. Configuration is 9600,n,8,1 |