
Punto Flotante, S.A. is a company domiciled in Mexico D.F. and that has operated since 1982 in the development of electronic microcircuits (embedded systems).

The company has been working over the last 39 years with the microprocessors and microcontrollers of advanced technology and that have been the most popular globally, as they were at the time the 8085, 8748, 80C32 (Intel), Z80 (Zilog), 68HC11 (Motorola), 16F84, 16F628, 16F88, and, presently, the 18F2550 (Microchip).

The company constantly updates its designs. The design philosophy of new products, gives emphasis on offering development and trainer boards, helpful to students and teachers of technical courses or degrees in Electronics, Control, Computer systems, Telecommunications and Mechatronics and general subjects related to electronics and embedded systems.

These products may also be used by engineers in design and development of electronic microcircuits to solve field applications. Applications of these systems include: telemetry networks, robotics, industrial control, remote monitoring terminals, access control systems, remote supervisory control networks and home security systems, among many other.

Currently offered, there is a microcontrollers multifunction system: Bolt 18F2550, which uses the high-performance microcontroller 18F2550, Microchip's family 18, with integrated USB port. This system is available in kit form and includes, besides the microcontroller module, an LCD 16 x 1, an hexadecimal keypad, and a USB cable.

A minimum component and low cost version of the full Bolt 18F2550 system is also offered: Bolt v.Lite system. With this board, users may start working with the simplest components and later on may add new circuits as needed in their projects.

Bolt 18F2550 system was designed and is manufactured in Mexico, with the latest technology, low cost components, and high quality. All integrated circuits have socket, so as to facilitate replacement and thus ensuring a long life.

The system is backed by a professional software environment implemented by Microchip: MPLAB IDE, the program that contains all the necessary tools for application development, including an ANSI C Compiler C18 and a simulator tool. We provide all necessary C18 functions and libraries to easily program Bolt 18F2550 system with all its interfaces.

In addition, Bolt v.1.0.1 Programming Software was specially developed for the Bolt 18F2550 system and permits easily to transfer executable (.hex) files from the PC to the target board, via an USB port.

Also included in this website, are software, guides, manuals and documentation for Bolt 18F2550, available to interested users for its download.

We have over 50 test programs developed in ANSI C and assembly language, video demonstrations and 19 projects ready to be implemented on Bolt 18F2550 system. Several tutorials on special topics of PIC microcontrollers are also available.

You may post any question or comments regarding our systems to the public forum available here.

Please click here to see complete information over the 18F2550 Bolt system.

Contact information:

Punto Flotante, S.A.

Av. de las Torres 33-B-401, Col. Valle Escondido

C.P. 14600, Tlalpan, México, D.F.

Tel. (52)(55) 5653-5801

